
Welcome to

'The Friends of Letocetum'



The museum is now open for2024

until October 20th


Details of 'When We're Open' 

throughout 2024 can be seen here.



Festival of Archaeology 2024


As part of this year's Festival of Archaeology we 

will be leading tours of the site over the weekend

27th/28th July.

Each tour, lasting approximately one hour,

starts at 11.30am and 1.30pm.


Booking is essential.




There will also be activities for our younger visitors.





The open air site of the bath house and 

mansio is open to view at all times.


You can still view and find out about some of our museum artefacts on our 'Virtual Museum' page.




Learn more at Letocetum


'Hidden Gems of Letocetum'

A guided talk led by Dr.Mike Hodder

will be given

Saturday 19th October 2024

(bookings already being taken for this tour)

See 'What's on at Wall' for more information


(names of interested people are being taken now)


A group of volunteers, 'The Friends of Letocetum,' was formed in 2008, primarily to facilitate the re-opening of the Museum at Wall.

Both English Heritage and National Trust have interests at Wall (Letocetum). English Heritage is the custodian of Letocetum, providing upkeep of the ruins and surrounding land as well as the maintenance of the Museum. National Trust is the owner of the land on which the ruins (Bath House and Mansio) are situated.

The site is open all year round, but the group of English Heritage Volunteers, 'The Friends of Letocetum,' enable the Museum to be open at specific times during the year. These Museum Open Days are listed on our 'When We're Open' page.





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