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Virtual Museum


The Wall Site Museum is just over 100 years old. The Roman baths building and mansio (then known as the ‘villa’) were first excavated in 1912-14 by the North Staffordshire Field Club under the supervision of the then landowner Mr R.J.K Mott. A site museum was quickly established nearby to house and display the finds. Many of the finds you can see today date from these excavations. 

In 1924 the archaeological site and museum passed to a Miss E.D Henderson and then in 1934 to the National Trust. The Trust repaired the museum and arranged the display cases. Admission to the site and museum was 6d for adults and 3d for children. A guidebook printed in 1937 describes many of the finds that could be seen in the museum. Since them some of the finds have been removed but new items have been added.

The Roman remains and the Museum and its contents are under the guardianship of English Heritage.


Below you can find out more information on some of our finds:

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