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What Remains at Wall

Today, all that is visible of the Roman settlement are the remains of a bath house and mansio, which were part of the Roman town of Letocetum, though it was originally an important military posting station. It was located on the Roman military road of Watling Street (now most of the A5) which led to North Wales, near to its junction with Ryknield Street (now the A38) which ran from Gloucester to York. Situated a short distance from the site is a small museum where you can see a collection of artefacts that have been found through various archaeological digs either on the site itself or in the local area.


Learn More:

'The History of Wall'

'How Wall Got It's Name'

'Wall In Poetry'

'Virtual Museum'


You can find more information in a Guide book available from the Museum or from the English Heritge website link here: 



Also, for a guided walk around the village you can find heritage walk leaflets for just 20p available at the village car park. You can get these at any time.

N.B. The walk has no connection with the Friends of Letocetum, English Heritage or National Trust. The guided walk was a project created by Green Arc Aggregates Levy Fund, part of Staffordshire County Council.










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